1.求设计一段2人的英语对话 主题是谈论天气 要求时间三分钟左右 特别高端的英文单词最好不要太多




求设计一段2人的英语对话 主题是谈论天气 要求时间三分钟左右 特别高端的英文单词最好不要太多

关于天气的英语对话 不少于五分钟_讨论天气的英语长对话

hello!it‘s about the climate inhometown!呵呵 do you think its fit you(it’s troubleso to me ,so from the internet!) EG:A: What a gorgeous day today!

B: Yes, But for me. I feel a little bit cold. I miss the climate in my hometown.

A: Oh? What's the kind of climate in your hometown?

B: My hometown is in Kaiping Guangdong. There are four very obvious seasons in it. But generally speaking, it's not that cold as here.

A: Yeah, usually the climate in south China is warm. So what is your forite season?

B: I like autumn the most. Because it's not cold or hot. And I like the lees change color and the cool wind blow on my face. I feel good in this weather.

A: Yes, I like that climate, too. By the way, he you noticed that the weather change quickly and extremely last time?

B: Of course, months ago, the storm and the hey rain, right?

A: Yes, that's the one.

B: There was raining cats and dogs that day. And the weather change to so cold immediately. And there were flood in some areas.

A: Yes, you're right. at last,best wish for you!


A: did you watch the forecast?B: yes, i did. tomorrow is sunny day.A: really? that is great! i like sunny day.B: me too. why do you like sunny day?A: i like worm weather. what is the temperature tomorrow?B: 36 celcius degree.A: great~! we can go swimming tomorrow.B; yes, i like swimming.A: may be we can call more friends to go together.B: that is a good idea.A: we will meet at my house at 8:00 am.B: ok, see you tomorrow.A: see you.


A: What a gorgeous day today!

B: Yes, But for me. I feel a little bit cold. I miss the climate in my hometown.

A: Oh? What's the kind of climate in your hometown?

B: My hometown is in Kaiping Guangdong. There are four very obvious seasons in it. But generally speaking, it's not that cold as here.

A: Yeah, usually the climate in south China is warm. So what is your forite season?

B: I like autumn the most. Because it's not cold or hot. And I like the lees change color and the cool wind blow on my face. I feel good in this weather.

A: Yes, I like that climate, too. By the way, he you noticed that the weather change quickly and extremely last time?

B: Of course, months ago, the storm and the hey rain, right?

A: Yes, that's the one.

B: There was raining cats and dogs that day. And the weather change to so cold immediately. And there were flood in some areas.

A: Yes, you're right.



A: Hei, Ann, long time no see. How's everything、

B: Hi John. Not bad. How are you today?

A: Fine, thanks. Where are you going?

B: I'm going to library to return some books.

A: I see, by the way, remember to take your umbrella with you. Weather recetly is quite strange.

B: Yes, thank you. I he taken it. I heard that it's going to snow hey tonight.

A: Oh, God, Then it will be quite freezing.

B: Yes, Probably, take care.


A: Chiristmas is roaching. Do you he any plan for that?

B: Not yet, how about you?

A: I am going to visit my grandparents together with my parents.

B: That's a good idea. I believe that would be a nice gethering.

A: Yes, it will. I heard that you were planning to go skiing?

B: Yes, but some of my friends cancelled their schedule, so I am considering to go or not.

A: Oh, sorry to hear that. It would be fun cause we had such hey snow last week.

B: Yes, maybe I will go by myself.


A: Hello, This is Jenny speaking.

B: Hei, May I speak to Frank?

A: Sorry, Frank is not in right now. May I he your name, please?

B: This is Martin, when will Frank be back?

A: I am not sure, but I could take a message for you if you like.

B: Yes, please. I want to discuss with him for the concert tonight, can you ask him to call back when he's in?

A: Yes, no problem.

B: Thank you.